BSE mock test stands for Bombay Stock Exchange Exam Mock Test.

A BSE mock test refers to a practice examination designed to simulate the actual tests related to the Bombay Stock Exchange in India.
Ques01:- The Bombay Stock Exchange was established in …………
a) 1875
b) 1873
c) 1874
d) 1872
Ans: – A
Ques02:- Index future trading commenced at BSE in the year……….
a) 2000
b) 1997
c) 2001
d) 2004
Ans: – A
Ques03:- Insider trading if reported can be investigated by………..
b) FMC
c) MCA
d) RBI
Ans: – A
Ques04:- An option that has Intrinsic Value is in the money option.
a) True
b) False
Ans: – A
Ques05:- A person who combines derivatives with a business risk is a Hedger.
a) True
b) False
Ans: – A
QUES 1:- ………… serves as an instrument of risk transfer.
- Mutual Fund
- Fixed Deposit
- Equity Investment
- Insurance
Ans- D
Insurance helps in transfer of risk of a person, company and firms.
QUES 2:- Bottomry loans prevaited among.
- True
- False
Ans- B
QUES 3:- Practices similar to baby.
- analyzing risk appetite of investor
- analyzing financial details of investor
- analyzing family background of investor
- none of the above
Ans- A
QUES 4:- what is true about mutual fund
- it’s a pool account
- it’s a collected money from investor
- It’s invest in market & stocks.
- all of the above
Ans- D
QUES 5:- Technical analyst analyzes price charts and volume charts of the stock.
- True
- False
Ans- A
QUES 6:- Scheme evaluation is a science not an art-
- True
- False
Ans- B
QUES 7:- Selection of the funds is the key responsibility of a fund manager in “fund of funds”.
- True
- False
Ans- A
QUES 8:- ————– Accept and deliver securities for trades done by portfolio fund manager.
- Custodian
Ans- A
QUES 9:- Website of AMFI provides Information regarding NAV and mutual fund schemes.
- True
- False
Ans- A
QUES 10:- what is true about asset allocation.
- Investor does asset allocation for risk management
- Investor does asset allocation for high return
- Investor does asset allocation for low return
- All of the above
Ans- A
QUES 11:- NFO stands for————
- New fund offer
- Net fund offer
- New fund order
- None of the above
Ans- A
QUES 12:- SEBI is regulation body for mutual funds in India.
- True
- False
Ans- A
QUES 13:- SEBI mutual funds regulation act was established in ——————-.
- 1956
- 1976
- 1986
- 1996
Ans- D
QUES 14:- Distribution phase of ——– is a parallel of retirement phase of ————–.
- Wealth cycle, life cycle.
- Politic, economy
- None of the above
Ans- A
QUES 15:- debt schemes are exempt from STT.
- True
- False
Ans- A
QUES 16:- Strategic asset allocation helps investor to manage his risk profile.
- True
- False
Ans- A
QUES 17:- Mutual funds mean’s pool of money.
- True
- False
Ans- A
QUES 18:- which one is the best analysis for intraday.
- Technical analysis
- Fundamental analysis
Ans- A
QUES 19:- what do you understand by Micro-Sip.
- SIP with yearly investment less than 50000
- SIP with yearly investment less than 100000
- SIP with yearly investment above 50000
- None of the above
Ans- A
QUES 20:- Additional tax on income distribution is called dividend distribution tax.
- True
- False
Ans- A
QUES 21:- Mr. Mehta wants high return, and risk exposure is high and having long term vision he should invest in equity market.
- True
- False
Ans- A
QUES 22:- Risk profiling is the main region for strategic asset allocation.
- True
- False
Ans- A
QUES 23:- what is true about model portfolios.
- It’s the wastage of money.
- It’s the wastage of time
- It’s the utilization of time & money.
- All of the above
Ans- C
QUES 24:- what is true about unit capital.
- Total unit + Face Value (10Rs.)
- Total unit × Face Value (10 Rs.)
- Both of the above
Ans- B
QUES 25:- If investor wants to invest for long term he should follow.
- Technical analysis.
- Fundament analysis
Ans- B
QUES 26:- FEMA (Foreign exchange management) Act was established in 1999.
- True
- False
Ans- A
QUES 27:- Mr. Mehta needs regular income he should invest in debt funds or in market.
- Invest in market.
- Invest in debt funds.
Ans- B
QUES 28:- BSE-Bankex is the bench mark for all banking funds in India.
- True.
- False.
Ans- A
QUES 29:- A young unmarried should invest ———— his money in equity (standard).
- 80%
- 60%
- 100%
- 40%
Ans- A
QUES 30:- NFO means a new mutual fund scheme is available first time for investment.
- True
- False
Ans- A

QUES 31:- Technical analysis is the best tool for short term trading.
- True
- False
Ans- A
QUES 32:- what are the documents required for mutual fund investors in India.
- Pan card no
- Address proof
- Identity proof with photograph
- All of the above
Ans- D
QUES 33:- Investor gets tax free dividend as a return in equity mutual funds scheme.
- True
- False
Ans- A
QUES 34:- CAGR is a most accurate measure of return for a scheme in existence for several years.
- True
- False
Ans- A
QUES 35:- STT means securities transaction tax.
- True
- False
Ans- A
QUES 36:- what is true about AUM.
- AUM analyze mutual fund companies
- AUM maintain profit metrics
- Maintain the flow of money
- All of the above
Ans- D
QUES 37:- Interest rate and yield spread plays key role for debt fund portfolios return.
- True
- False
Ans- A
QUES 38:- what is true about treasury bills.
- It’s a short term Govt. security
- It’s a long term Govt. security
Ans- A
QUES 39:- commercial paper is an example of short term govt. security.
- True
- False
Ans- B
QUES 40:- Standard deviation maintains the volatility related with market.
- True
- False
Ans- B
QUES 41:- SAT is the place where you can appeal against SEBI rules and guideline.
- True
- False
Ans- A
QUES 42:- SIP means systematic investment plan.
- True
- False
Ans- A
QUES 43:- AUM means asset under management.
- True
- False
Ans- A
QUES 44:- Indian gold rates are truly depends on international gold rates.
- True
- False
Ans- A
QUES 45:- what is true about fund manager.
- He select stock
- He manage the risk of portfolio
- He select fund on the basis of index
- All of the above
Ans- D
QUES 46:- An index fund manager only invest in debt funds.
- True
- False
Ans- B
QUES 47:- Standard deviation is relevant for debt fund equity funds.
- True
- False
Ans- A
QUES 48:- Trail commissions are directly linked to the portfolio valuation in India.
- True
- False
Ans- A
QUES 49:- NFOS other than ELSS can be open for a maximum time period of.
- 1 Month
- 2 Month
- 15 days
Ans- C
QUES 50:- NAV stands for.
- New asset value
- Net asset value
- Net analysis value
Ans- B
QUES 51:- what is the disadvantage of limitation of mutual fund scheme.
- Lack of portfolio management
- Overloading of schemes
- No. of schemes variants
- All of the above
Ans- D
QUES 52:- what is true about real estate.
- It is an international asset
- It is a local asset
- Value changed according to local factors.
- Both band C
Ans- D
QUES 53:- what is true about index fund manager.
- A fund manager of index seek to minimize the tracking error
- Index fund manager prefer benchmark index
- Both a and b
Ans- C
QUES 54:- Diversified equity funds are exempt from STT.
- True
- False
Ans- B
QUES 55:- NISM-Mutual fund distributor’s certification is mandatory for mutual fund agents/employees.
- True
- False
Ans- A
QUES 56:- Mutual funds sponsors are regulated by SEBI.
- True
- False
Ans- A
QUES 57:- STT will be applicable on investor if he re-purchase the units of equity mutual fund.
- True
- False
Ans- A
QUES 58:- AMFI means association of mutual fund in India.
- True
- False
Ans- A
QUES 59:- what is true about open ended fund.
- Don’t have fixed maturity period
- It gives entry and exit option any time
- Both of the above
- None of the above
Ans- C
QUES 60:- PRAN means permanent retirement account number.
- True
- False
Ans- A
QUES 61:- what is true about statements.
- T-bill are short-term debt instrument
- T-bill issue by RBI
- T-bill issue by SEBI
- Both a and b
Ans- D
QUES 62:- Gold ETF funds are exempt from STT.
- True
- False
Ans- A
QUES 63:- SEBI prescribed cut-off timing in the favor of investor.
- True
- False
Ans- A
QUES 64:- An index fund manager use technical analysis to beat the economy.
- True
- False
Ans- B
QUES 65:- Pan card is mandatory for MF investment if the investment amount is above 50000.
- True
- False
Ans- A
QUES 66:- Real estate is a standard commodity asset class.
- True
- False
Ans- B
QUES 67:- AMC means ——————————–.
- Asset management company
- Asset management coupon
- Allocation management company
Ans- A
QUES 68:- Interval fund means, it’s the combination of open ended funds and close ended funds.
- True
- False
Ans- B
QUES 69:- NAV is the exact value or true worth of the unit of the particular scheme.
- True
- False
Ans- A
QUES 70:- —————— issue COD (certificate of deposit).
- Bank
- All of the above
Ans- C
QUES 71:- Mr. Mehta wants to save STT than ELSS fund is the best option for him.
- True
- False
Ans- B
QUES 72:- To fulfill or meet to redemption demands mutual fund can borrow money.
- True
- False
Ans- A
QUES 73:- If you are young married, you should take 70% exposure in equity market to meet your retirement goal.
- True
- False
Ans- A
QUES 74:- In India ———— is liable/responsible for investment of funds.
- MD
Ans- C
QUES 75:- All close ended funds should be listed in stock market.
- True
- False
Ans- A
QUES 76:- Gilt funds invest in gold & real estate.
- True
- False
Ans- B
QUES 77:- ETF means exchange traded funds.
- True
- False
Ans- A
QUES 78:- ——————- issue commercial papers.
- Companies
- Bank
Ans- A
QUES 79:- what is true about systemic withdrawal plan.
- Investor can sell units of fund to manage his liquidity requirement
- Investor is not allow to sell his unit to meet his liquidity needs
- Both
Ans- A
QUES 80:- Mutual fund in India are allowed to borrow for long term investment.
- True
- False
Ans- B
QUES 81:- If you are 65 year old, you should invest of 15% in stock market for higher return.
- True
- False
Ans- B
BSE Mock test is Bombay Stock Exchange mock test
BSE Mock Test fees is 1000/- Rs.
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