June 20, 2024

BSE Mock Test

BSE mock test stands for Bombay Stock Exchange Exam Mock Test.

Topic Related to BSE Mock Test

    A BSE mock test refers to a practice examination designed to simulate the actual tests related to the Bombay Stock Exchange in India.

    Ques01:- The Bombay Stock Exchange was established in …………

    a) 1875

    b) 1873

    c) 1874

    d) 1872

    Ans: – A

    Ques02:- Index future trading commenced at BSE in the year……….

    a) 2000

    b) 1997

    c) 2001

    d) 2004

    Ans: – A

    Ques03:- Insider trading if reported can be investigated by………..

    a) SEBI

    b) FMC

    c) MCA

    d) RBI

    Ans: – A

    Ques04:- An option that has Intrinsic Value is in the money option.

    a) True

    b) False

    Ans: – A

    Ques05:- A person who combines derivatives with a business risk is a Hedger.

    a) True

    b) False

    QUES 1:- ………… serves as an instrument of risk transfer.

    1. Mutual Fund
    2. Fixed Deposit
    3. Equity Investment
    4. Insurance

    Ans- D

     Insurance helps in transfer of risk of a person, company and firms.

    QUES 2:- Bottomry loans prevaited among.

    1. True
    2. False

    Ans- B

    QUES 3:- Practices similar to baby.

    1. analyzing risk appetite of investor
    2. analyzing financial details of  investor
    3. analyzing family background of investor
    4. none of the above

    Ans- A

    QUES 4:- what is true about mutual fund

    1. it’s a pool account
    2. it’s a collected money from investor
    3. It’s invest in market & stocks.
    4. all of the above

    Ans- D

    QUES 5:- Technical analyst analyzes price charts and volume charts of the stock.

    1. True
    2. False

    Ans- A

    QUES 6:- Scheme evaluation is a science not an art-

    1. True
    2. False

    Ans- B

    QUES 7:- Selection of the funds is the key responsibility of a fund manager in “fund of funds”.

    1. True
    2. False

    Ans- A

    QUES 8:- ————– Accept and deliver securities for trades done by portfolio fund manager. 

    1. Custodian 
    2. AMC
    3. AMFI

    Ans- A

    QUES 9:- Website of AMFI provides Information regarding NAV and mutual fund schemes.  

    1. True
    2. False

    Ans- A

    QUES 10:- what is true about asset allocation.

    1. Investor does asset allocation for risk management
    2. Investor does asset allocation for high return
    3. Investor does asset allocation for low return
    4. All of the above 

    Ans- A

    QUES 11:- NFO stands for————  

    1. New fund offer
    2. Net fund offer
    3. New fund order
    4. None of the above

    Ans- A

    QUES 12:- SEBI is regulation body for mutual funds in India.  

    1. True
    2. False

    Ans- A

    QUES 13:- SEBI mutual funds regulation act was established in ——————-.  

    1. 1956
    2. 1976
    3. 1986
    4. 1996

    Ans- D

    QUES 14:- Distribution phase of ——– is a parallel of retirement phase of ————–.  

    1. Wealth cycle, life cycle.
    2. Politic, economy
    3. None of the above

    Ans- A

    QUES 15:- debt schemes are exempt from STT.  

    1. True
    2. False

    Ans- A

    QUES 16:- Strategic asset allocation helps investor to manage his risk profile.  

    1. True
    2. False

    Ans- A

    QUES 17:- Mutual funds mean’s pool of money.  

    1. True
    2. False

    Ans- A

    QUES 18:- which one is the best analysis for intraday.  

    1. Technical analysis
    2. Fundamental analysis

    Ans- A

    QUES 19:- what do you understand by Micro-Sip.  

    1. SIP with yearly investment less than 50000
    2. SIP with yearly investment less than 100000
    3. SIP with yearly investment above 50000
    4. None of the above

    Ans- A

    QUES 20:- Additional tax on income distribution is called dividend distribution tax.  

    1. True
    2. False

    Ans- A

    QUES 21:- Mr. Mehta wants high return, and risk exposure is high and having long term vision he should invest in equity market. 

    1. True
    2. False

    Ans- A

    QUES 22:- Risk profiling is the main region for strategic asset allocation.  

    1. True
    2. False

    Ans- A

    QUES 23:- what is true about model portfolios.  

    1. It’s the wastage of money.
    2. It’s the wastage of time
    3. It’s the utilization of time & money.
    4. All of the above

    Ans- C

    QUES 24:- what is true about unit capital.  

    1. Total unit + Face Value (10Rs.)
    2. Total unit × Face Value (10 Rs.)
    3. Both of the above

    Ans- B

    QUES 25:- If investor wants to invest for long term he should follow.  

    1. Technical analysis.
    2. Fundament analysis

    Ans- B

    QUES 26:- FEMA (Foreign exchange management) Act was established in 1999.  

    1. True
    2. False

    Ans- A

    QUES 27:- Mr. Mehta needs regular income he should invest in debt funds or in market.    

    1. Invest in market.
    2. Invest in debt funds.

    Ans- B

    QUES 28:- BSE-Bankex is the bench mark for all banking funds in India.    

    1. True.
    2. False.

    Ans- A

    QUES 29:- A young unmarried should invest ———— his money in equity (standard).    

    1. 80%
    2. 60%
    3. 100%
    4. 40%

    Ans- A

    QUES 30:- NFO means a new mutual fund scheme is available first time for investment.  

    1. True
    2. False

    Ans- A

    QUES 31:- Technical analysis is the best tool for short term trading.  

    1. True
    2. False

    Ans- A

    QUES 32:- what are the documents required for mutual fund investors in India.  

    1. Pan card no
    2. Address proof
    3. Identity proof with photograph
    4. All of the above

    Ans- D

    QUES 33:- Investor gets tax free dividend as a return in equity mutual funds scheme.  

    1. True
    2. False

    Ans- A

    QUES 34:- CAGR is a most accurate measure of return for a scheme in existence for several years.  

    1. True
    2. False

    Ans- A

    QUES 35:- STT means securities transaction tax.  

    1. True
    2. False

    Ans- A

    QUES 36:- what is true about AUM.  

    1. AUM analyze mutual fund companies
    2. AUM maintain profit metrics
    3. Maintain the flow of money
    4. All of the above

    Ans- D

    QUES 37:- Interest rate and yield spread plays key role for debt fund portfolios return.  

    1. True
    2. False

    Ans- A

    QUES 38:- what is true about treasury bills.  

    1. It’s a short term Govt. security
    2. It’s a long term Govt. security

    Ans- A

    QUES 39:- commercial paper is an example of short term govt. security.  

    1. True
    2. False

    Ans- B

    QUES 40:- Standard deviation maintains the volatility related with market.  

    1. True
    2. False

    Ans- B

    QUES 41:- SAT is the place where you can appeal against SEBI rules and guideline.  

    1. True
    2. False

    Ans- A

    QUES 42:- SIP means systematic investment plan.  

    1. True
    2. False

    Ans- A

    QUES 43:- AUM means asset under management.  

    1. True
    2. False

    Ans- A

    QUES 44:- Indian gold rates are truly depends on international gold rates.  

    1. True
    2. False

    Ans- A

    QUES 45:- what is true about fund manager.  

    1. He select stock
    2. He manage the risk of portfolio
    3. He select fund on the basis of index
    4. All of the above

    Ans- D

    QUES 46:- An index fund manager only invest in debt funds.  

    1. True
    2. False

    Ans- B

    QUES 47:- Standard deviation is relevant for debt fund equity funds.  

    1. True
    2. False

    Ans- A

    QUES 48:- Trail commissions are directly linked to the portfolio valuation in India.  

    1. True
    2. False

    Ans- A

    QUES 49:- NFOS other than ELSS can be open for a maximum time period of.  

    1. 1 Month
    2. 2 Month
    3. 15 days

    Ans- C

    QUES 50:- NAV stands for.  

    1. New asset value
    2. Net asset value
    3. Net analysis value

    Ans- B

    QUES 51:- what is the disadvantage of limitation of mutual fund scheme.  

    1. Lack of portfolio management
    2. Overloading of schemes
    3. No. of schemes variants
    4. All of the above

    Ans- D

    QUES 52:- what is true about real estate.  

    1. It is an international asset
    2. It is a local asset
    3. Value changed according to local factors.
    4. Both band C

    Ans- D

    QUES 53:- what is true about index fund manager.  

    1. A fund manager of index seek to minimize the tracking error
    2. Index fund manager prefer benchmark index
    3. Both a and b 

    Ans- C

    QUES 54:- Diversified equity funds are exempt from STT.  

    1. True
    2. False

    Ans- B

    QUES 55:- NISM-Mutual fund distributor’s certification is mandatory for mutual fund agents/employees.  

    1. True
    2. False

    Ans- A

    QUES 56:- Mutual funds sponsors are regulated by SEBI.  

    1. True
    2. False

    Ans- A

    QUES 57:- STT will be applicable on investor if he re-purchase the units of equity mutual fund.  

    1. True
    2. False

    Ans- A

    QUES 58:- AMFI means association of mutual fund in India.  

    1. True
    2. False

    Ans- A

    QUES 59:- what is true about open ended fund.  

    1. Don’t have fixed maturity period
    2. It gives entry and exit option any time
    3. Both of the above
    4. None of the above

    Ans- C

    QUES 60:- PRAN means permanent retirement account number.  

    1. True
    2. False

    Ans- A

    QUES 61:- what is true about statements.  

    1. T-bill are short-term debt instrument
    2. T-bill issue by RBI
    3. T-bill issue by SEBI
    4. Both a and b

    Ans- D

    QUES 62:- Gold ETF funds are exempt from STT.  

    1. True
    2. False

    Ans- A

    QUES 63:- SEBI prescribed cut-off timing in the favor of investor.  

    1. True
    2. False

    Ans- A

    QUES 64:- An index fund manager use technical analysis to beat the economy.  

    1. True
    2. False

    Ans- B

    QUES 65:- Pan card is mandatory for MF investment if the investment amount is above 50000.  

    1. True
    2. False

    Ans- A

    QUES 66:- Real estate is a standard commodity asset class.  

    1. True
    2. False

    Ans- B

    QUES 67:- AMC means ——————————–.  

    1. Asset management company
    2. Asset management coupon
    3. Allocation management company

    Ans- A

    QUES 68:- Interval fund means, it’s the combination of open ended funds and close ended funds.  

    1. True
    2. False

    Ans- B

    QUES 69:- NAV is the exact value or true worth of the unit of the particular scheme.  

    1. True
    2. False

    Ans- A

    QUES 70:- —————— issue COD (certificate of deposit).  

    1. RBI
    2. SEBI
    3. Bank
    4. All of the above

    Ans- C

    QUES 71:- Mr. Mehta wants to save STT than ELSS fund is the best option for him.  

    1. True
    2. False

    Ans- B

    QUES 72:- To fulfill or meet to redemption demands mutual fund can borrow money.  

    1. True
    2. False

    Ans- A

    QUES 73:- If you are young married, you should take 70% exposure in equity market to meet your retirement goal.  

    1. True
    2. False

    Ans- A

    QUES 74:- In India ———— is liable/responsible for investment of funds.  

    1. CEO
    2. MD
    3. CIO

    Ans- C

    QUES 75:- All close ended funds should be listed in stock market.  

    1. True
    2. False

    Ans- A

    QUES 76:- Gilt funds invest in gold & real estate.  

    1. True
    2. False

    Ans- B

    QUES 77:- ETF means exchange traded funds.                                                     

    1. True
    2. False

    Ans- A

    QUES 78:- ——————- issue commercial papers.  

    1. Companies
    2. RBI
    3. Bank

    Ans- A

    QUES 79:- what is true about systemic withdrawal plan.  

    1. Investor can sell units of fund to manage his liquidity requirement
    2. Investor is not allow to sell his unit to meet his liquidity needs
    3. Both

    Ans- A

    QUES 80:- Mutual fund in India are allowed to borrow for long term investment.  

    1. True
    2. False

    Ans- B

    QUES 81:- If you are 65 year old, you should invest of 15% in stock market for higher return.  

    1. True
    2. False

    Ans- B

    What is BSE Mock Test?

    BSE Mock test is Bombay Stock Exchange mock test

    What is the fees of Mock Test?

    BSE Mock Test fees is 1000/- Rs.



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